Career coaching for academics & artists seeking
professional or creative development. 

Over a 20-year career in Higher & Further Education, my role has involved understanding how to support artists, ranging in age from 16 to over 80 in addressing anything which was stopping them from making the most of their practice.

Sometimes artists have a plethora of ideas & don’t know where to direct their energies, while at others their energies seem to have escaped them entirely. Occasionally, there’s a desire to create but a lack of clarity as to what the work ‘should’ be about or who it ‘should’ be for. There is always, though, a strong link between the sense of self, the practice and the outcomes.

Together, we can discuss & evaluate your relationship with your practice giving you a clarity about your approach to your art, whatever media you work in, that doesn’t rob you of its meaning, function or pleasure.

I have experienced a good number of changes in my career as an academic & lecturer & have had to navigate them all with, at times, limited support. I haven’t always made the right choice & know that at times I could have done things differently, better.

Reflecting of these experiences has given me an awareness of what was & what was not available, helped me identify what I would have benefitted from, & made clear what the options were, some hidden, some I simply ignored.

Working with me, we can look at where you are in your career & identify some activities that might just help you get to where you want to or would rather be. That might mean professional progression, a new career, or renewed interest & contentment with the one you have.

Reasons not to work with me.

I’ve made mistakes. If I had life sorted, I don’t think I’d have ever started a process of reflection & consideration & experienced its capacity to bring about growth, but that growth has involved the occasional step back, step sideways, & stumble.

If we don’t make mistakes, we’re not trying anything new.

There might be homework. I clearly can’t give up the teaching but occasionally there’ll be something that you’ll need to think about & or do between sessions. The process is all about evaluating & reflecting on our lives & that has to happen outside of our sessions in order for you to find it effective. 

It might get a bit woo… Over years of practice a&reflection, I’ve come to appreciate the value of the intangible, the indescribable, & occasionally there’s something we can’t quite put into words, especially when we get into the realm of the spiritual. 

Let’s work together.